Thank you for nominating Trinity Wellness for 2024 Best of Eastern Jackson County 2024!
We're honored that TW has been nominated by the community as one of the Top 5 in the following categories:
The BEST of Eastern Jackson County 2024 voting round is open from September 23rd to October 6th. Please take a moment to click this link and vote for Trinity Wellness! It's easy!
You can vote in ALL THREE categories every day until Sunday, October 6th. We greatly appreciate YOU & our community! |
Start Your Day Right
Do you have stress or feel like your life is out of balance?
If so, have you exercised or had a massage lately?
If so, have you exercised or had a massage lately?
Our ServicesView a complete menu of all of our services and prices.
Our ClassesWe offer a wide array of studio classes for all levels.
Our SpecialsWe offer amazing deals every season and gift certificates.
1500 NW Mock Ave. Suite A & B Blue Springs, MO 64015 |
"To keep the body in good health is a duty.... otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear."